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4-Step Fertilizer Program
Do you have lawn envy?
Do you drive past that perfect lawn and wonder how they do it?
Do they have little lawn gnomes that care for each individual blade of grass?
Probably not. 
Let Garrison’s introduce you to our new 4-Step Fertilizing Program.
If you follow these 4-Steps your lawnwill be the one being envied.  
  STEP 1
Ferti-lome Crabgrass Preventer Plus Lawn Food  
Apply February – March
Analysis:  20-0-3
A unique combination of slow lawn food with trace elements and pre-emergent
Crabgrass control of Team (Treflan and Balan).
Team provides 12-16 week pre-emergent Crabgrass control and is one of the
best pre-emergent weed control products available.  
Application: Apply early in season before weeds are present. Provides up to
4 months control of Crabgrass. Wait at least 6-8 weeks before sowing grass
seed in the lawn. Can be used on both cool and warm season grasses. 
Coverage:  5,000 sq ft and 10,000 sq ft
Ferti-lome St. Augustine Weed & Feed
Apply April – Early May
Analysis: 15-0-4 with trace elements plus Atrazine  
Apply in early spring to obtain control of pre-emerged and post-emerged weeds
in Centipede, Zoyia, and St. Augustine lawns.  For best results, lawn should be
moist prior to application. After application, water in well.
** Do not use on Bahia Grass or Bermuda Grass
Coverage:  2, 500 sq ft and 5, 000 sq ft
Ferti-lome Lawn Food Plus Iron 
Apply May - July
Analysis: 24-0-4 with trace elements A good all-around lawn food with Iron for 
fast immediate greening on all types of lawns. It contains two types of Nitrogen,
which allow for quick greening and long term stable growth. 
Coverage:  5,000 sq ft and 10,000 sq ft

Ferti-lome Winterizer
Apply September - November 
Analysis: 10-0-14 with trace elements Fall Feeding is one of the most critical
feeding times. A healthy and stable plant can endure the hardship of winter better
than a weak plant. Winterizer builds winter hardiness, stem strength and disease
resistance in lawns, trees and shrubs. 
Lawns - 20 lbs per 5,000 sq ft
Trees - 1 lb per inch of trunk diameter around drip line
Shrubs - 1 cup per 3 ft of height around drip line
Coverage:  5,000 sq ft and 10,000 sq ft
6905 Greenwood Road * Shreveport, LA  71119 * (318) 635-6296 * (318) 635-0020 Fax